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Modbus Technology Training

e-Learning: Modbus Technology


About Modbus Technology:

Modbus is a widely used communication protocol in many applications, available in both RS485 (RTU) and TCP versions. This training program provides an overview of the Modbus protocol, covering the transmission of data based on registers between Modbus Master and devices. The course also covers typical pitfalls that users may encounter, as well as an easy-to-understand explanation of the Modbus specification. With this training, learners will gain the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with Modbus.

About our eLearnings:
Our eLearning program contains video modules and a quiz to assess knowledge retention. With the flexibility to participate anytime and anywhere, all you need is an Internet connection, a web browser, and headphones or speakers to begin.

Duration: 1 hrs 30 min
Price: $245.00 per person (payable via invoice)
Language: English

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